
Becoming an ART-NFT collector

a summit to invest in authentic "phygital" art

A smart collector in ART-NFT is a person who is interested in buying and owning non-fungible tokens (NFTs) of digital artworks. He or she is generally considered "smart" because he or she takes care to select the works he or she buys, based on criteria such as artistic quality, rarity, market demand, and insight into emerging trends.

A smart collector in ART-NFT is also knowledgeable about blockchain technologies and the online sales platforms from which he buys NFTs, understands how NFTs work and how they can be used to ensure the authenticity and transparency of digital artworks. He is also able to follow trends and developments in the NFT art industry to keep up with the most interesting artists and works.

He is also often considered an investor, as he is able to assess the growth prospects and market trends for the works he buys, so he is able to maximise the returns on his investment..

A smart collector in ART-NFT is a natural or legal person who is interested in buying and owning non-fungible tokens (NFTs) of digital artworks, authenticated by blockchain technologies and exchangeable on online sales platforms, who is able to select works according to relevant criteria and follow trends in the NFT art industry. He is also often seen as an investor, able to assess growth prospects and market trends valuing the works he manages from his secure NGRAVE portfolio for example.

From creation to property
NFT artists are (r)evolving the art market and putting themselves back in the game!