
Rematerialize your ART-NFTs

Change your corporate interiors, meeting rooms and open-spaces... (re)make people want to work in the office - 18.02.23

The printing festival of NFT murals : how to rematerialize your NFTs?

Samedi 18 février, WallPen était à la BXL.ART-NFT.GALLERY, c'était l'occasion de découvrir comment augmenter les ambiances de vos espaces professionnels, vos lieux d'événements et l'espace publique et urbain avec vos collections de ART-NFTs en grand format !


wallPen® started in 2015 with the mission to revolutionize wall printing.
Today, we are the leading manufacturer of vertical wall printers wallPen® is an engineering company and service provider of wall printing 100%.
Made in Germany wallPen® is the professional solution for professionals.

Typhanie Afschrift:"Tax-safe ... innovation through investments in ARTs"