A very interesting evening on the legal security and taxation of NFTs with very clear explanations from Maître Typhanie AFSCHRIFT at the BXL ART NFT GALLERY on Thursday 16 February 2023.
It is important to understand what an NFT is from a legal point of view in order to identify the tax opportunities, particularly when realising capital gains or passing on assets, and this was the aim of last night's conference.
A very interesting evening on the legal security and taxation of NFTs with very clear explanations from Maître Typhanie AFSCHRIFT at the BXL ART NFT GALLERY on Thursday 16 February 2023.
The conference was followed by interesting questions and answers and a friendly drink.
Linkedin post of Catherine Mentior
Pictures of Paul Marnef : Isoway.eu
The POAP ART of the conference was awarded to Typhanie AFSCHRIFT.
Colorfields also offered an art print to Maître Typhanie AFSCHRIFT.
One winner from the audience was drawn and also received his POAP ART from the BXL ART NFT Gallery
A very interesting evening on the legal security and taxation of NFTs with very clear explanations from Maître Typhanie AFSCHRIFT at the BXL ART NFT GALLERY on Thursday 16 February 2023.

La soirée s'est poursuivie avec la présentation de la Biennial d'ART NFT de Turboslow.